5 available rooms on Jens Baggesensvej studenthousingaarhus
5 available rooms on Jens Baggesensvej


Jens Baggesens Vej 62, 3rd floor, room 13, 8210 Aarhus V. The room is 22 sqm.

Shared kitchen and bathroom/toilet with 3 others on the corridor. Access to the department's paid laundry facilities.

Monthly rent: 2,415 DKK. Kitchen access fee: 102 DKK. Advance heating payment: 250 DKK. Deposit: 3,400 DKK. Water is included in the rent.

Please arrange a time to view the room – contact the current tenant at 21186212 between 4:00 PM and 9:00 PM. If you wish to rent the room, send an email to tildeling@bk-aarhus.dk – Important! Specify the address of the room you are applying for.

We do not respond but will contact you if you get the room.

Boligkontoret Århus Brendstrupgårdsvej 7 8200 Århus N Phone: 87393939 Tildeling@bk-aarhus.dk


There are 4 other rooms at the same location. Write to their email if interested."